Meghan Black, c. 1997

Standard Disclaimer: Amanda and Rebecca are the property of Rysher Entertainment, but asked to come play with me for awhile (truly they did). They have returned home, unharmed and a bit happier. And believe me, I now know more about Amanda than I ever wanted to. Talk about nag! And Carlo, Josef and the rest of the Galatis are my own making (at least this generation).

Author's Note I: Please do let me know what you think of my latest little foray into the land of HL fan fiction. I can take most any type of comments, but please be constructive with criticism. As much as anything else, this has been an exercise in dialogue for me, as it is most definitely not my forte. And muchos gracias to Lori, who got bombarded with the whole thing at one time, and Dail Koehler, alpha, beta and omega reader, word goddess, catcher of stupid mistakes and the one responsible for you seeing so much of Carlo. She nagged me almost as much as Amanda, but it was worth it. Thanks y'all!

*** NC-17 Rating ***

WARNING! Sexually Explicit material may be hazardous to your health if you're under 18, homophobic (consentual f/f) or don't like sex.. Please do us both a favor and hit the back button if you're offended by the natural acts of love. If you keep going anyway, I don't want to hear about it. Now relax and enjoy!

Author's Note II: This begins within a year of Rebecca finding Amanda dead on a plague cart. Some dialogue has been used from "Methuselah's Gift" and "Legacy" flashbacks. No infringement of copyright is intended. Amanda just wanted her story told. The name of Rebecca's castle, Caer Wydyr means Glass Castle and is the etheric fifth city of the Tuatha de Danaan, an early people of Ireland, some believe of a mythical nature. Since canon has not been established on the show as to the origin or age of Rebecca, I figure I can do what I want. <g> The Watcher CD differs, but what do they know? If you have comments about it, please e-mail me so we can discuss? For a short note about the Tuatha de Danaan, see my note at the end of the story. One last thing, then I'll shut up (I promise!)...I agonized over not knowing the proper type of language and syntax they would have used in the 9th century, but realized I'd never get this blasted thing done if I tried to stay right on with word usage, etc., so I have shamelessly written it the way I heard it. Please don't flame me for using a word that didn't even exist back then.


Part 1- England

Why can't I remain and listen to you?
What possesses my soul to flee?
I've felt your love and it frightens me so,
but I'll cling to your memory.
- MEW -

The faint moan of wind was the only sound at 2:34 a.m., April 7 in the year of our Lord, 850 AD She would have to take a warm wrap, along with the food she was stashing in her white fur bag. The spring in England was still Leonine in nature.

Soft leather scuffed across the stone flags of the floor and deft fingers lifted fruit, bread, some left-over cheese, and any small valuables that could be easily sold without question. The white-robed figure crossed to the heavy chest in the bedchamber's corner. Her black hair presented a stark contrast to lighter clothing and pale skin...the casual observer might have mistaken her for a wraith wandering the halls of the old castle. A sudden howl of wind made the furtive thief jump and she muffled a startled gasp that escaped unbidden. A glance toward the bed reassured her that its occupant still slept. With the slow ease of a practiced thief, the lid was raised with one hand as the other reached into its depths, withdrawing that sought after object. She took but a second to examine her prize, then wrapped it carefully in the soft cloth of its bed as it followed the route of the rest of her loot into the fur bag. Reaching the large wooden door, she eased it open, mindful of the creak that always announced entrance to the chamber if opened too wide. Outside the room, she fortified herself with a deep breath and shrugged the bag to a more comfortable position on her shoulder...Free...she was free at last.

Never in her short life had Amanda Darrieux ever been confined to one place for so long. The stone walls and thick doors had begun to suffocate her spirit and she yearned for the freedom that had been her life. Life...her old life anyway, had turned out to be such a fragile thing. But with immortality under her belt and the crystal in her bag, the possibilities that her liberty could offer where infinite. She would not be re-entering the world as she had left it; a poor, starving wretch. This time she would make the rules. A sharp pang of regret made her stop for an instant as she remembered the kindness the woman who now slept peacefully had shown her. But conscience had never been one of Amanda's strong suits and she quickly dashed all soft thoughts out of her head as she covered the short distance to the tunnels underneath the castle.

She hadn't gone far when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her nipples hardened. Shortly after her 'death', Amanda had discovered the feeling she got when another immortal came within sensing distance. Rebecca had told her that it effected each individual differently. Sometimes a piercing headache, sometimes just a tingle, but Amanda's own peculiar reaction was not unheard of in female immortals.

It could only be one person and she turned to look back down the tunnel in the direction from which she'd just come. Nothing. Turning back toward her destination, however, she stopped suddenly and bit her lower lip in fear. Blocking the path was the woman who had been her mentor, and yes, even her friend (the first she'd ever had) for the last three months. This woman had taken her in, cleaned her up and explained the facts of her now immortal life. She had even begun to teach the once bedraggled girl how to move, how to talk and how to dress like a lady. The brunette had yet to learn to read, but that had been threatened as a certainty for the future. No one had ever given Amanda a second glance (except for the obvious reasons) since her parents died when she was eight. No other family existed, to her knowledge, forcing the orphan to embrace the streets for survival, and eventually leading her to the plague houses for food. Her innate mistrust wouldn't let her believe that this woman was any different than the rest of the world. Why would she help her if she didn't want something in return? And what was it that she would exact for payment? Amanda had not wanted to stick around to find out, thus precipitating this hastily attempted escape from her new home.

"You wouldn't want to leave without this," the tall woman grated as she threw the sword at her protégée. A loud clatter of metal on stone made Amanda jump as the weapon skidded to a halt at her feet. She looked up at Rebecca Horne, mistress of her home, the wall sconce behind her creating a halo of light surrounding the red-blonde head.

"But, if you want to leave with that crystal, you'll have to fight me for it. I won't allow you to steal from *me*."

Her own sword now drawn, Rebecca took an offensive stance as Amanda just stood in front of her, speechless and not a little scared.

"I don't want to fight you. I *can't* fight you."

"Then give me back the crystal and stay. Finish what you started. Learn." Rebecca's face softened with her words, but her body remained tense and ready for action should the younger woman decide to take up the earlier challenge.

Amanda's face reflected first surprise, then confusion. She wasn't sure she had heard correctly. Was Rebecca inviting her to stay, after what she'd just done?

"I don't understand," she voiced her bewilderment.

"Hasn't anybody ever forgiven you before?" the statuesque figure asked.

A quick shake of dark hair affirmed Rebecca's suspicion. "Then it's a very important lesson indeed," she continued, holding out her hand to the woman, who at this moment reminded her more of a child than an adult.

"You mean I can stay?" More confused than ever.

Rebecca had reached a spot just in front of the darker woman, and stood looking down at her perplexed expression, sword now hanging casually from her right hand. She was touched by the display of childlike wonder at her offer and responded tearfully, "You can stay."

There was an expression of immediate relief as her mentor draped her arm protectively around Amanda's shoulders, leading her back down the way she'd just crept. Never had a touch been more comforting...or exhilarating.
The cozy bedchamber beckoned as Rebecca shoved the heavy door open, stepping back to allow Amanda first entry. A warm fire had miraculously appeared in the monstrous hearth opposite the bed. Amanda didn't try to figure it out. She had almost stopped being amazed by her new life and all that it entailed. She didn't think anything could surprise her now.

There was a moment of awkward silence as Rebecca poured two goblets of wine and handed one to her charge. What could Amanda say? She had betrayed the trust of the woman who had taken her in and protected her in those first tremulous and dangerous months of her immortality, when vulnerability meant certain death. Amanda accepted the offering and drank deeply of the golden liquid. Maybe if she had a couple of draughts of Rebecca's delicious store of mead, she could stop her trembling.

"Whatever were you thinking, Amanda?" The golden head turned to face her, honest curiosity making her clear blue eyes large and questioning.

The woman to whom the query was directed just hid her face behind a curtain of long black hair and didn't answer immediately. As she looked up, facing her teacher and friend, she appeared to be gauging the reaction she might receive if the truth were revealed...truth being a foreign concept to the young thief and survivor. Finally, with a look which showed plainly that she had reached some sort of decision, Amanda replied.

"You don't know what it's like! Never knowing who to trust, how you'll eat, where you'll sleep," the words exploded out. "But, I can honestly say that I've never had to rely on anyone but myself. If nothing else, I have that to be proud of." She drew a breath.

"But,, I've taken your food, slept in your bed, learned at your knee. I've taken everything you've had to offer and you've asked nothing in return. I don't *want* to *need* you Rebecca. It scares me so." Amanda finished with a look of anguish and something else that Rebecca could not quite fathom.

At once the older woman was by her side, arms wrapped protectively about the slim shoulders which still shook with emotion. She turned Amanda into her shoulder, like a child, stroking her long hair and murmuring reassurances.

"Shhh. You have nothing to be frightened of, Amanda. I ask nothing in return for my hospitality but your loyalty and willingness to stay alive. And you cannot do that unless you *learn* the things you must know to survive. It's not all swordplay, you know." The woman continued in her calming voice.

"You don't need to repay me. It's the duty of older immortals to teach and pass on all that we can to our students." Abruptly her arms were pushed aside and Amanda backed up a step, eyes shining with tears.

"How do I know you'll not take my head one night as I sleep? NOTHING is free in this world. Everything has a price and I don't want to pay yours with my head." She finished in a rush, fear returning to tense every muscle in her body.

"Don't you see...I couldn't live as long as I did by trusting anyone. You think, for one instant, I believe that you forgive me for trying to leave and take the crystal, too? What kind of fool do you take me for? I may not know much about being immortal, but I know the world and the greedy, selfish people in it."

Rebecca stood where she had been soothing the distraught girl. No sudden moves now. Just a softness in her eyes and love in her heart.

"I understand your need for freedom, Amanda. Truly I do. I realize that you have known little kindness in your world. But, it doesn't have to be that way. You'll learn that there are people who are kind, forgiving and trustworthy."

She continued with her hand outstretched to the wild looking young woman. "When I saw you in the death cart that day, my heart reached beyond the bounds of good samaritan. I saw the potential, the gifts you have to offer the world. Let me help you discover and develop them, Amanda....please." She finished with a step toward her charge, slowly and nonthreateningly.

"I will never hurt you." The statement was simple, yet spoke volumes.

Amanda looked as if she would flee, like a fearful deer, but she remained rooted to the floor, staring at the hem of her gown, her hair forming a dark veil. Rebecca could not tell if her words had sunk in or not. She reached a tentative hand out to brush the hair back from Amanda's cheek. Her face was streaked and she was biting her lower lip again. Rebecca recognized it as a sign of concentration in her student.

"What if I stay? I can't keep taking from you and returning nothing. It isn't right," Amanda queried. For the first time in her life, she felt indebted to someone and she didn't particularly like it, but she also realized the necessity of the situation. Now if she could only be sure of Rebecca. Would she ever learn how to trust?

Rebecca brought her other hand up to take Amanda's face in her palms, forcing her to look at the blonde woman. She began a soothing motion with her thumb across Amanda's cheek, gently wiping away the tears which still spilled down her lovely face.

"If you stay, I will teach you the things you need to know, not only to survive, but to enjoy your, hopefully, very long life," Rebecca answered with a smile. "What you will owe me is your desire to learn and perhaps, if you wish, your friendship," she stopped and waited for a response.

Amanda looked up into the blue eyes of this woman who had taken her in against all odds. Who else would help a dirty, bedraggled thief who had entered a plague house for a hard roll and hunk of cheese? What goodness dwelled within her? Would some of it...could some of it rub off on her? At that moment, Amanda wanted nothing more than to be like her mentor; soft, beautiful, kind and gentle, smart and educated. For the first time, she dared hope for a better way. Rebecca could practically see the questions flying across Amanda's face as their eyes locked in silent communication.

"I will stay, Rebecca," Amanda whispered. "I'll stay and learn and will try to trust. But don't expect miracles immediately." The young woman shifted her defensive stance slightly. "And it would make me very happy to be able to call you my friend."

Rebecca's smile widened and her slightly wide mouth opened to show straight, white teeth. For a moment Amanda was dazzled by her loveliness. Rebecca was not beautiful in the current sense of fashion, but rather stunning would have better described her. Tall and thin for a woman of that time, she had high cheekbones and a slight bump on her Romanesque nose where it might have been broken in her mortal life. However one would describe Rebecca, she would always command respect and encourage trust. There was a softness about her face that belied the inner strength that Amanda had only just begun to sense.

Both woman held their positions, content to enjoy this moment of quiet companionship, yet not sure how to begin the new dimension to their relationship of teacher and student.

Once the matter of the crystal and Amanda leaving had been settled, both women visibly relaxed. Rebecca maintained her hold on Amanda's face, however, as she pulled the young woman into her embrace. She wanted there to be no doubt as to the validity of her promises. Amanda buried her face in the blonde tresses, smelling deeply of the exotic, spicy scent that was Rebecca's own. Another first tonight. She felt safe and protected as she never imagined. She brought tentative arms up to return the hold and felt the coolness of Rebecca's soft, linen robe. The warmth of the fire made her cheeks flush as Amanda noticed the assault on her senses. The taste of the sweet wine lingered on her tongue, the soft fluff of Rebecca's hair tickled her nose and the warm hands which caressed her back made her start at the sensations they were creating.

Amanda had experienced her share of sex in the years before the plague. Survival sometimes meant doing things that one didn't particularly relish and she found out at an early age that, as little as she possessed, there was one commodity she had aplenty. She couldn't remember once, however, when she had *ever* enjoyed it. Her short life hadn't allowed for the equation of sex and pleasure. The two together were as foreign a concept to Amanda as safety and trust had been just a short time ago.

The tingling sensations created by Rebecca's slowly circling fingers on her back, not unlike the 'buzz' of another immortal, were as strange as the other emotions she had encountered this night.

Rebecca felt the woman in her arms stiffen slightly and she knew why. She herself had the advantage of having given and received love more times than she could now remember. She briefly examined her feelings for the waif she clasped to her. Amanda had woken from her first 'death' in Rebecca's bed, confused and disoriented, but immediately wary. Her heart went out to the woman who had only known hardship and cruelty from a world that Rebecca knew also held excitement and love. But it was anything but maternal that she was feeling now. Rebecca knew she should keep their relationship as strictly teacher and student, but recognized a deeper feeling creeping in with the protectiveness she now felt toward her.

The sharpness of Amanda's shoulder blades that still protruded, despite the rich food Rebecca provided, just accentuated the smoothness of her long back. Her thick black hair, which more often than not was plaited back from her face, now fell like a bottomless river, engulfing both of them in its current. Amanda had chosen a scent for herself that reminded Rebecca of a storm just passed, clean and refreshing. She suspected it had something to do with having to live in filth and vile odors most of her life. She had so much potential, so much to give...and learn. Rebecca looked forward to playing the teacher, but also anticipated a deeper kinship with the young immortal that she had never allowed with a student before. Again the twinge of guilt and worry over her attraction, but not so much that she would deny herself...or Amanda.

Gradually, two heads, one dark, one shining gold, separated...coming once more face to face. Rebecca still wore a reassuring smile as her hands fell from the soft skin of Amanda's face to the softer flesh of neck and shoulders. The black hair rippled as Amanda shivered with anticipation...and trepidation. Her brow creased slightly with confusion. Not feeling in control was not a sensation Amanda enjoyed at all and her background provided little reference for what she was experiencing at the hands of her savior.

Rebecca's long fingers glided behind the dark head, pulling her face closer to the full lips. Amanda hung back for the instant it took her mind to catch up with her body. Then the shift was made and she knew there would be no stopping now. She ached to be loved and instinct told her that this woman could provide all that she needed.

Without further hesitation, Amanda leaned into the kiss, tightening her own grasp of Rebecca's shoulders. Just as she had embraced a life which repaid her with pain and death, she embraced the goodness that was offered. Amanda didn't know how to do anything half way. Wild horses couldn't make her do a task she had set herself against, but they couldn't keep her away from a desired goal, either. And although she didn't fully understand her coursing emotions, Amanda decided that she desired Rebecca.

What began as tentative overtures of gentle persuasion on Rebecca's part, became a desperate attempt to grasp that elusive feeling of love by Amanda. She moistened her dry lips nervously before joining them to the softness that was Rebecca. Amanda took her lead from her mentor. As in everything else, she knew that Rebecca would show her the proper way to achieve her hearts desire. A feather soft kiss brushed across her own parted lips and each partner timidly explored the realm of sensation. A warm, wet tongue smoothed its way across her bottom lip, stopping to tug gently at the center fullness that curved into a natural pout. Long, slim fingers snaked their way into her thick hair, massaging the last vestiges of tension from Amanda's neck.

Rebecca began a slow exploration of her partner's face with her lips. She placed light kisses on her closed lids, at the corner of her eyes, working her way down from temple to jaw. She nibbled an ear while Amanda's breath caught in a flood of sensation.

"You will always be safe here, Amanda. I want you to know that in your heart and never fear that I will do anything that will hurt you." The unspoken question hung as Rebecca waited for permission to continue her explorations.

"I know, Rebecca. I know," was all the younger woman could get out as the tingling which had begun in her lower belly rose up to her breasts and higher, bringing a flush to the pale skin of her neck and face. Dark eyes answered, providing the response her voice had been unable to produce.

Tacit agreement had been reached and all parties were now cognizant of the path on which they tread. Their relationship would never be the same again.

And a more passionate kiss, neither of the woman had ever experienced. Parted lips joined in a fusion of the senses. Tongues explored, fingers roamed freely. Nothing was off limits as the pair explored the new terrain which had been laid out for them. It was if a dam had been broken and all the force of restrained power was unleashed in that clarifying moment of consent.

Rebecca's hands moved down to the shoulders of Amanda's robe, impatiently pushing it aside. Amanda shrugged to aid in the disrobing and the garment slid to the floor in a rustle of cloth. Her thin gown did nothing to hide the points of her nipples as they strained the fabric. The older woman maneuvered slightly, lightly pushing Amanda from her so that she could touch that which her hands ached to hold. She began with a teasing touch down the column of Amanda's long neck, lightly raking her nails along the hills and valleys of her shoulders and chest, coming to rest firmly on the twin mounds of flesh. She couldn't help the slight squeeze as her hands cupped and supported the weight of Amanda's breasts. Her reward was the moan of pleasure she had been waiting to hear.

Amanda leaned harder into Rebecca, overcome by the flaring passion she hadn't even known existed. felt so good to be touched and wanted like this. She took Rebecca's face in strong hands as she pulled her once more into a passionate kiss. She wanted to explore every inch of Rebecca's mouth and proceeded to do so. She could feel the other woman's hands on her breasts and knew it as the cause of wetness between her legs. In her enthusiasm, Amanda had backed them up to the large column at the foot of the bed and she felt Rebecca come up against the unyielding wood as she pushed her body into the fuller one of her mentor. With nowhere to go, Rebecca pushed back, working her leg between those surrounding her. Amanda naturally spread her stance and found some small relief as Rebecca's thigh rubbed against the source of her heat.

Hands, lips, and tongues continued to explore, but frustration was immanent if the two did not lose the garments which restrained full discovery. With her normal impatience, Amanda ripped the delicate fabric of her gown. She looked up guiltily, as it was one Rebecca had just given her last week. But the immortal before her was not playing the part of benefactor this night. Rather it was a smile which met Amanda's gaze, reaching all the way to eyes which had turned to a smoldering blue-gray, drooping slightly with passion. Rebecca's clothing followed the way of the gown, reaching the floor only slightly less damaged. Then it was bare flesh pressed against heated skin. There was no way the two bodies could have gotten any closer. And hands now had new territory to discover and claim, unhindered by protective clothing.

Rebecca reached down to cup Amanda's cheeks, pulling the young woman to her roughly in the process. Their skin held the slight sheen of perspiration, not wholly caused by the heat of the fire. The heavy weight of Amanda's hair clung stickily to her back, along with Rebecca's own golden strands, which seemed to be entangled around her throat. She was breathing heavily, but would not release her hold on Rebecca to pull the clinging hair aside. As Amanda moved her palms across the points of the woman's taut nipples, Rebecca lost her footing, sending them both sprawling across the lower half of the wide bed.

The comedic episode seemed to release some of the tension that had been building and Amanda found herself lost in a fit of giggles. But they quickly turned to gasps as she caught her breath in reaction to the hand between her splayed legs.

"Um, I could feel the heat from you just by holding my hands here." Rebecca's palm had hovered just a breadth above the curly black hair before she had laid it firmly between Amanda's thighs. "And I can smell you from here," she whispered as she inhaled the musky female scent of the woman beneath her.

Amanda clasped Rebecca's wrist and pressed the hand more firmly against her mound. "I don't want to wait any longer. Touch me...please."

With a tender look, Rebecca lowered her head and drank from Amanda's mouth. Her tongue ravaged the wet warmth above while her fingers slipped into the wet warmth beckoning below.

The slickness between Amanda's legs allowed easy entry and the woman laying on her back spread her thighs a bit wider, encouraging the plunder of her body. Two, then three fingers slid effortlessly in, the nether lips making small sucking noises as Amanda's inner muscles clinched. Rebecca used her thumb to firmly press against the small knot of pleasure peeking out the top of Amanda's cleft, flicking across the tip every now and then. It was swollen with the heat of passion and Amanda moaned loudly at this added stimulation. Her hips rose to meet Rebecca's hand, pushing the probing fingers further inside her. Rebecca picked up the tempo as her hand moved quickly in and out of Amanda's center of being. She could tell the instant of climax as the young woman uttered guttural words of love and sex, and with a last tremble, collapsed into stillness, the rise and fall of her exquisite breasts the only sign of life.

Rebecca lay beside her ward, propping her chin on one elbow, while her other hand roamed freely across the slippery flesh of Amanda's belly. Reflexive twitches of pleasure were her reward and a wide smile of pure love met the dark eyes that opened to a new world of wonder.

"I didn't know it could be that way, 'Becca," the prone woman breathed reverently. "Is it always that intense?"

"It can be, my love," was the heartfelt reply and she shifted slightly, positioning herself over her lover to lay light kisses across her soft cheeks, moving along the line of her jaw with quick, kitten licks till she reached the parted lips that were ready once more to be explored and claimed.

"How can I make you feel like that," Amanda asked innocently. She had truly never given much thought to the art of pleasure receiving or giving. Her life had not allowed that luxury. And most especially with another woman.

"You already already do." Rebecca's heart tugged with a feeling she now recognized as pure, unadulterated love for her protege. From the very beginning, those large dark eyes and pouty mouth had worked their magic on the blonde woman. As degrading and poverty-stricken as her life had been, Amanda had still maintained the naivete of youth, and it was that innocent, yet worldly quality which had ensnared Rebecca forever in her web. She wanted to not only protect and teach her, but show her the love the young thief had never known. Rebecca could hardly believe that they were together now, laying in the same bed, naked and wet with sweat and other juices. She came out of her reverie as Amanda's hands began their own journey of discovery.

A warm tongue was tentatively snaking its way across Rebecca's shoulder, stopping to let little sharp teeth nibble in the hollow of her neck. With a sigh, the older woman rolled to her back, letting the young one have her turn in their new game. Amanda was growing bolder by the minute, never one to do anything with half a heart. Her arm reached down to caress the soft skin of Rebecca's thigh and felt the long legs shift to accommodate her quest. Rebecca's last thought, before giving herself over to total sensation, was that, as it would be in most things, Amanda's style was very different from her own.

Amanda's hand stopped suddenly, her mood shifting like quicksand. Of a sudden she was serious as her dark eyes looked up to meet lighter ones. Smoldering gazes locked and Amanda's face softened as Rebecca had never seen it.

"I...I don't know what to do, Rebecca. I want to please you...truly I do. But I've know." Rebecca could almost see her worrying her lower lip between her teeth in the darkness.

Without warning, Rebecca's strong arms hauled Amanda up till she rested within the curve of her shoulder, arms wrapped around the woman-child. She should have guessed that Amanda would have had no experience with real love, much less love with another female.

Amanda was hiding her face in the reddish gold hair, ashamed that she had failed in the first attempt to show Rebecca how much she meant to her. Her mentor's fingers stroked her hair soothingly as she spoke. "There is no hurry, my darling," she reassured. "We have a very long time to get used to each other and to explore whatever we desire. Remember, I'm the teacher," she finished and Amanda detected humor in her soft voice.

She raised her head to look at Rebecca, gratitude shining in dark brown eyes. "I truly do want to learn. I want to learn *everything*," she began excitedly. "I want to learn to read and write, and talk like a lady and...and...and love you."

"You will my little thief," and there was no attempt to hide the laughter in her tone. "You'll learn it all and then I'll have to boot you out before you show me up," she teased.

"Oh, don't ever make me leave, 'Becca!" the young woman panicked. "I know I'll never learn it all and I don't know what I'll do..." she trailed off, a little startled by these unfamiliar feelings of need. She still wasn't sure she liked relying on someone else so much.

"Come on," Lightening the mood, Rebecca rose slightly, bringing Amanda with her. "It's almost time to get up anyway. Let's start the day with a warm bath and then we'll begin your lessons again."


Amanda made a face and Rebecca laughed out loud. "Why do you bathe so much? Every time I turn around you're having the servants haul up all that hot water just so you can sit in it for hours." Rebecca found it amusing that Amanda thought once every two weeks was 'often'. Of course, she knew the general consensus on the unhealthy habit of bathing involved maybe a dip in the stream twice a year, but she had picked up her penchant for cleanliness, as well as the luxurious feeling of a hot soak on a somewhat regular basis during her sojourn in Bath. The Romans really did know what they were talking about when they named it Aquae Sulis or Healthy Waters.


Since her 'resurrection', Rebecca had only been able to cajole Amanda into the large wooden tub that was her pride and joy once, right after she revived and had been taken to the castle. She was crawling with lice and filthy from the tip of her head to her toes (oh those dirty feet!). Since then, Rebecca found herself having to remind the vagabond student of even the barest elements of good hygiene. She sighed. One more thing to add to the list.

"Come on...I *promise* you'll enjoy *this* bath." It occurred to Rebecca that she did know *one* way to teach the joys of a hot bath to her little imp and maybe a few other lessons while she was at it.


The sun was just making its appearance as the steaming tub beckoned the two women. The servants had long given up speculation on their mistress' strange behavior and midnight wanderings. If she wanted to kill herself bathing so much, it wasn't their place to question. She paid them well, for the day, and actually demanded little...only that they respect her privacy and have the castle prepared at all times for visitors, which she seemed to have aplenty.

It had taken Rebecca over 20 years to find just the right tub for her little indulgence and it was her pride and joy. A large vat, not unlike that used for stomping grapes in the southern regions, the wood had darkened with age and repeated exposure to water. The older immortal had commissioned its creation from the wheel wright in town, overseeing every stage of construction. It was long enough to accommodate her legs stretched out, yet not so tall that she couldn't relax against the rim, using a folded towel to pillow her head. Now the steam filled the room and the smell of Rebecca's bath oil wafted in the mist.

Using her toe to test the temperature and finding it acceptable, Rebecca eased into the tub, a look of pure bliss on her face. Amanda stood back watching dubiously.

"Come on Amanda. There's room enough for the both of us," she beckoned from her watery lounge.

"I'm not dirty. I don't need a bath. God's teeth, its only been three months since you dunked me in that thing last." Amanda retorted indignantly. It was true that her last experience with bathing had not been a pleasant one. Rebecca had unceremoniously dumped her into the tub once she'd had enough of the young thief's screeching objections.

"Well, there *was* no other way to get that dreadful stench out of your hair and off your person," Rebecca defended with a smile. "Come now. This will be immensely more pleasant...I promise," and the smile widened with mischief.

Amanda cautiously approached the suspect vessel and peered into its depths. Rebecca's toe suddenly sprang from the water, breaking the surface with a small splash and making Amanda jump back as if it were a snake.

"Don't be such a scared chicken," Rebecca now openly laughed. "There's nothing here that will hurt you. I won't let anything ever hurt you." And her eyes conveyed the deeper meaning that the humorous situation belied.

The sheet that Amanda had wrapped around her form when leaving the bed fell slowly away and she reached her hand down, letting her fingers play in the water.

"It does feel good. All warm and, and...funny." She had yet to learn such sophisticated words as sensual or stimulating, so could not fully verbalize the effect the water was having on her senses.

"Come on in, the water's fine," Rebecca laughed at her own joke. "You can sit here between my legs and I'll scrub your back," and she picked up a cloth that had been laying across the edge of the tub.

Amanda's hand was followed by the rest of her body as she gingerly lowered herself into the parting wetness. An audible sound of surprise and pleasure made Rebecca laugh softly once more.

"See. It's not so bad when you're not fighting me tooth and nail."

"No. No, its not, I guess." A hesitant Amanda still sounded somewhat doubtful, but couldn't deny the sense of luxury and decadence she felt.

She had just settled herself into a comfortable position in front of Rebecca when the tickle of water running down her back again made her jump.

"Relax. Just enjoy it. Have I lied to you yet, Amanda?"

"No...and I *am* relaxed. Just not used to all this water around me," the black headed girl-woman pouted. Amanda would never admit to being scared of anything.

However, after Rebecca's remark, her muscles visibly relaxed under the cloth held above her back. She even closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the slight floating sensation. But, they immediately sprang open when, what she diserned to be a water serpent holding a bar of scented soap in the murky depths inched its way around her waist and clasped a slippery breast.

"Hold still, Amanda," was the exasperated response to Rebecca's jittery bath partner. "I told you I'd show you how to enjoy a bath."

Amanda stifled a giggle and leaned back against Rebecca's chest, resting her head on the moist, hair-covered shoulder behind her. She did allow that her mentor hadn't lied so far and determined that she would just indulge in this non-sanctioned activity and see what happened.

The snake/hand continued its exploration of Amanda's now soapy breasts, rolling a hardened nipple teasingly between fingers also slippery with soap. The result was a most delicious sensation of pain and pleasure for Amanda. She once more caught her breath, but not with surprise. Rebecca knew that Amanda would never view a bath the same again.

The blonde's free hand worked its way around the other side of her student, stroking the top of her leg as it inched its way forward. She couldn't quite reach her intended destination, so settled for a move upward, drawing spirals around Amanda's other nipple with her nail. Amanda's hands had not been idle, either. With a slight shift, it was possible for her left arm to reach behind her slightly, probing between the thighs which surrounded her. For the time being she contented herself with the torment she knew her fingers were causing. Through body language, Rebecca had let her know exactly which part of her anatomy needed attention, but Amanda chose to play ignorant, rather using the inside of Rebecca's thighs as a playground for her questing hand.

When she figured Rebecca had taken about all she was going to of her torture, Amanda withdrew her hand and reached up to caress the soft, pale skin of Rebecca's face. The sensuousness of the bath was working its magic. Turning her head slightly she kissed the older woman, covering her mouth with her own soft lips. When Rebecca's own lips parted, Amanda wasted no time as she explored her lover's mouth with an eager tongue. She explored every inch of the warm interior as she licked Rebecca's teeth and swirled her tongue against soft cheek tissue, finally uniting with the other questing snake of muscle. The kiss lasted forever and the world stood still. Rebecca had ceased her own playful movements while one arm pulled Amanda tightly against her chest and the other held the dark head against her own. If it had been possible to unite and become one, that moment would have seen the melding of two women whose passion could have heated the coldest heart.

They parted reluctantly and Amanda briefly laid her head once again on Rebecca's shoulder before dealing with the weight of the moment. As always, Amanda handled stress by making a joke out of it. "My, that was interesting. What lesson would that be, dear Teacher? How to hold my breath for extended periods of time?" she laughed shakily and leaned forward, picking up the soap.

The young woman proceeded to soap her arms and legs vigorously, forgetting how she, not too long ago, had been repulsed by the very idea of scrubbing in water. Rebecca stopped her frantic movements, holding her arms against the sudsy body.

"There are more lessons I would teach you if you want to learn them," and the question in her voice was unmistakable.

She knew that Amanda wanted to make love to her. She just didn't have the experience, physically or emotionally, to handle the situation. She also reckoned correctly that Amanda would not want her ignorance to show. Gods knew she had little enough to be proud of. Rebecca did not want to deflate her ego further by forcing the issue.

So they finished their bath, with Rebecca lightening the mood considerably with her wet antics. Amanda squealed in mock terror as she fled the now tepid water and Rebecca's snapping washcloth. Yes, she did want to touch and taste Rebecca, giving her the pleasure that she'd experienced the night before. But, the mood had been broken and Amanda sighed, wondering if she would ever be as worldly as her mentor.

The women dried with towels warmed by the fire and sat brushing each other's hip length hair. Once the tresses were pulled back into tight braids tied with leather, Rebecca told Amanda to get ready for a sword lesson.

Amanda pulled on the soft full-sleeved tunic followed by the leathers Rebecca had given her for that purpose. She stood for a moment, arms crossed, stroking the soft fabric of the tunic sleeves. The thief had never had clothes of such high quality, both in material and workmanship. The rough homespun wools she had worn most of her life chafed and itched until she thought she would go mad. Of course the lice which often plagued her person didn't help. Would she ever get used to such luxury in which she now lived? Probably. Amanda was nothing if not adaptable and this...yes, this she could get used to.

Picking up the sword Rebecca had given her, she followed her mentor out of the bedroom and up the steps to the turrets. She had only just gotten comfortable with the hilt of the rapier in her hand. Her limited experience with weapons included clubs and knives. Amanda remembered how awed she had been when Rebecca pulled the deadly work of art out of the trunk and handed it to her. Just add that to the list of material goods she was wracking up: fine clothes, a horse and saddle, and even her own silver backed hair brush and mirror. Those were her pride and joy. Perhaps it was the deprived life of a poor, thieving girl on the streets, but the toilette set represented, for Amanda, what would be a lifetime obsession with beautiful objects.

A soft chuckle from her student made Rebecca turn and look questioningly as they advanced up the dark stairway.

"Oh, I was just thinking," Amanda responded with a humorous look of her own, "how insane I must have been to think I wanted to leave here." And both women continued their ascent, hands clasped firmly.

By the time the morning light spilled through the opened portal that lead to the roof of the castle, both women felt ready for the coming activity. They took a few moments to stretch leisurely, easy-going chatter interrupted occasionally by pauses of companionable silence.

Once the two had stretched and flexed the muscles they were fixing to torture, Rebecca took an offensive stance, signaling the beginning of practice. Imitating her mentor, Amanda awaited the first thrust.

Practice continued for an hour and a half as the two parried, thrust, dodged and leapt about the parapets. Amanda had to call a rest break twice and wondered, not for the first time, if she would ever be in the kind of shape required to maintain the pace Rebecca demanded.

"Come on Amanda. You have to push yourself. Don't give up so easily. I know you didn't survive in the streets by sitting on your arse every time you got a little tired." The barb got the expected reaction and Amanda returned to their game with renewed energy and force.

Her style was really coming around quite nicely. In most of her movements she mimicked Rebecca, paying very close attention during the demonstrations with which Rebecca had begun her lessons. She had the stance and starting positions down pat and the sword was becoming an extension of her arm. Once Amanda had gotten used to the idea that she would one day have to kill or be killed (not exactly a foreign concept to the ex-thief), she accepted the sword practice as a necessary part of her new life.

The women stopped as the sun approached its zenith. With an audible grumble coming from somewhere in the vicinity of her middle, Amanda realized they had not broken their fast prior to practice.

"Can we eat now, Rebecca. I'm famished," she proudly displayed some of the new vocabulary the older immortal had been trying to teach her.

"You're always famished, Amanda," was the answering retort. But Rebecca gladly lead the way back down to the living area, her own stomach rumbling in protest of the enforced abstinence from food.

The servants had anticipated their mistress's request, having often witnessed the ravishment of victuals following her workouts. Therefore, the two worn fencers found a buffet set out for their enjoyment in the dining hall of the castle. On one end were three different types of cheeses and fresh bread and butter, with some fruit in a bowl next to them. A kidney pie and stewed vegetables from the garden produced a tantalizing aroma that made Amanda's mouth water. Fennel had become her favorite vegetable since sharing a home with Rebecca and the braised bulb, surrounded by onions and bits of pork for flavor drew her to that end of the table first.

Rebecca indulgently watched as her young charge piled more food on her plate than she would be able to eat all day. "Amanda, you'll never finish that. Why do you insist on being so wasteful."

But Amanda did not see any of the provisions on her plate going to waste. "I'm going to eat it all...I promise," she announced. Old habits were definitely hard to break and Amanda was still of the mind that she didn't necessarily know where her next meal was coming from.

Rebecca made a half-hearted retort about wasting food and growing fat, but knew there was no use arguing with the girl. Rebecca knew that, with time, her pupil would come to accept the life in which she'd landed. But until then, all she could do was show Amanda how safe she now was and hope for the best.

When lunch was over and Amanda was so full she could barely walk out of the room, Rebecca suggested that they go for a ride since the weather seemed to be holding out admirably. Amanda made a face, for all she wished to do right now was take a nap, but Rebecca would not let her rest. However, she did know better than to try to enforce the lessons which usually required some amount of mental alertness. Reading and writing would have to wait till later if she didn't want Amanda falling asleep over her books.

The brisk spring air woke the duo up, all right. By the time Amanda trotted her black gelding, Dagda, into the stable yard, her hands were like ice and she could no longer feel her feet. Wrapping her cloak tightly about her lithe form, she dismounted, gladly handing the reins over to the stable lad who'd reluctantly left his nice warm loft to attend to the ladies' mounts.

Rebecca followed Amanda in a more sedate gait and patiently waited for Andrew to attend Dana, her own gray mare. She made a mental note to make sure that the boy had a new pair of trousers soon as she observed his bare ankles above the worn boots he wore. Rebecca was a very generous employer, especially with certain household and estate help whom she had picked up along her travels. None of them knew that one day, under the right circumstances, they too would join her in the song of immortality.


Various lessons continued over time. Each week Rebecca introduced a new facet of immortal life that she felt Amanda would need to survive as a woman of means and education. They continued to sleep together in Rebecca's large down bed, but the more experienced woman never pressured her protege into more than she was comfortable with. Many was the morning Amanda awoke to find the one person who had ever cared for her asleep by her side, her face beautiful and serene in the early morning sun. The thief had gradually relaxed and even began to enjoy the things Rebecca could teach her as her tutor demonstrated how life *could* be. Amanda was beginning to trust for the first time in her life.

Rebecca, on the other hand, was not so sure she was doing the right thing for herself or Amanda. One day Amanda would be her own woman. She was already exhibiting signs of being extremely strong willed and determined. All traits that would stand her in good stead over the coming years, but what would she think of her teacher when she discovered the rest of the world. Rebecca hadn't lied when she told Amanda she would never hurt her...but was the opposite true? Could the pupil hurt the teacher? Regardless of her misgivings, however, Rebecca could not help how she felt.

The next bath found the day unusually warm and sunny, even though it was almost the first day of spring. That season did not always equate to warmth in England. The women giggled and played like girls in the large wooden vat, soaking the soft animal skins scattered throughout the room. Amanda decided that she could actually get used to this kind of treatment and the feeling of finally warming her feet in the steaming tub was a luxury in itself.

While she was drying with the warmed towel that fine afternoon, Rebecca offered to give her a massage with the oil which had been sitting by the hearth after a few drops had been added to the hot water earlier. Still feeling somewhat innocent and childish from their antics in the bath, Amanda flopped down belly first on the bedding, letting the damp towel fall to the floor in the process. She wasn't so naive as not to know the view this presented, but realized, almost with surprise, that she was ready herself to move on to the more complicated level of their relationship.

Amanda felt the bed shift with Rebecca's weight and closed her eyes in anticipation of the pampering. The two had only just finished their daily ride when Rebecca had decided it was time for another bathing, so the benefit of having her somewhat sore muscles massaged was very appealing. As the warm, oiled hands began to caress her back and shoulders with a sure, firm grip, Amanda sighed her contentment.

"There's a particularly sore spot right over her," she tried to reach her left arm around to point to a location just beneath the shoulder blade.

"I'll get it all," Rebecca assured the soft form laying beneath her hands.

The scent of the oil and almost hypnotic movements of Rebecca's fingers had Amanda dozing when she felt the masseuse's hands move lower, gently parting the cheeks of her buttocks.

"Are any of these muscles sore, Amanda," Rebecca whispered and Amanda responded with a sound somewhere between moan and sigh.

Amanda's natural sensuousness allowed her to truly enjoy Rebecca's loving the first time and this occasion was no different. She parted her legs, allowing the questing fingers easy access to that which they sought. The oily digits teased with a fingernail along the inside of Amanda's thigh, eventually coming to rest lightly on the smooth flesh made rosy by warm water and the recent massage. Turning her hand slightly, Rebecca continued the journey between Amanda's legs. She pushed through the dense thicket of black hair till her forefinger slid easily into the very wet folds. Her thumb rested on the ring of puckered flesh somewhat exposed as Amanda raised herself slightly to better accommodate her lover.

Supporting herself on her unoccupied arm, Rebecca leaned down to nibble on Amanda's available left ear as she lay facing the fire. The flames danced across the room in the growing darkness and Rebecca felt a surge of love run through her whole being for this waif-child-woman who meant much more to her than mere student. Amanda could make her laugh, cry and want to box her ears, but one always knew where one stood with the impish thief.

Continuing the teasing movements of her hand which was now clinched between tense legs, she bathed the inside of Amanda's ear with little licks, and the occasional nip on the lobe just to see if she was paying attention. Her tongue began an exodus down the slender column below, pausing in the valley at the junction of neck and shoulder. The journey continued down Amanda's shoulder blade, across the area that had been earlier diagnosed as sore, down the indentation of backbone to the cleft marking the beginning of the firmest, smoothest behind Rebecca had ever seen.

Amanda squirmed beneath her and made little mewing noises of passion, some actually turning out to be whole and understandable words.

"Ah, Rebecca...teach me how to love," she murmured just before bucking her rear off the bed as Rebecca's oiled thumb found easy entry to the one orifice that Amanda had never dreamed could be part of their lovemaking.

By now, Rebecca's tongue had joined her fingers and once she had withdrawn her thumb she'd abandoned the playing field to the warm wetness of her mouth and tongue. Matching the actions of her tongue to the enthusiastic bump and grind of Amanda's hips, Rebecca tasted the salty fluid now flowing freely between lips swollen with need. Amanda's clit was not hard to locate. It stood erect and proud, calling for the attention it required and the older woman did not disappoint. A light pressure of Rebecca's hand was used to show Amanda what she wanted her to do and the dark-haired woman rose up to her knees.

With her face buried between Amanda's cheeks, Rebecca delved into the dark hair, her tongue plunging deeply into the feast laid before her. Amanda's groans became cries of release, for within seconds the muscles surrounding her strained tongue clinched and Rebecca knew exactly when orgasm sent her lover over the edge of reality into love's oblivion.

Amanda collapsed into a glistening mass of flesh and bones, although she didn't think any of those bones would work right then. Rebecca crawled up the short distance to lay beside her lover, taking the dark head under her arm and holding her closely. Neither spoke for several minutes...Rebecca because she was lost in her own thoughts of love and need and Amanda because she just didn't know what one said after such an earth-shattering experience. At least she now knew what to do when it was her turn to practice the fine art of love on Rebecca, she thought with an inward smile.

When Amanda began to shift, slowly extricating herself from Rebecca's arms, the other looked at her questioningly. Amanda just smiled and wiggled her bottom, and a most exquisite one as far as Rebecca was concerned, down the sheets till her shoulders were even with Rebecca's hips. She reclined there on one elbow for a moment perusing the length of Rebecca's body, like some Greek Goddess surveying her world. Her eyes came to rest on the golden fluff of hair, streaked with darker strands where the oil had slid off Amanda's back and onto Rebecca during their lovemaking. Rebecca just lay back on the pillows, silently watching her pupil, her only reaction to Amanda's sultry smile a slight widening of the eyes as she watched the dark head lower to plant a kiss just below her belly button.

"Now its your turn," the brunette whispered impishly and Rebecca couldn't wait to find out exactly what that meant. "It's time for me to show you just how good a student I really am."

Rebecca was somewhat curious and began to ponder the direction in which this evening was headed, but all coherent thought flew in the face of the cool air that followed in the wake of Amanda's swirling hot tongue. She was now tracing a meandering path to Rebecca's left breast, now painting spirals of heat around the pebble hard nipple puckered with desire. Alternating gentle suckling with playful nips, Rebecca found her back arched in response to Amanda's ministrations. Amanda seemed fascinated by the breasts of her lover. They were just enough smaller than her own that they did not spill over to the sides while resting on her back, but rather sat up straight, giving and demanding Amanda's full attention. The lighter pink area surrounding the nipple covered a full third of the firm flesh, giving them a decidedly target-like appearance...and Amanda had found the bulls-eye.

She moved to the other nipple, not wanting her mark's companion to feel neglected, sucking harder while doing delightful things with the rest of her body. Amanda's pelvis ground into the hips beneath her, wanting to get as close as humanly possible, to experience this new adventure with all the gusto with which she had always lived life. For the first time, she allowed sensation to take over without having to cover her back. Her defenses were down and, with great delight, Amanda discovered the joys of an unguarded moment.

Rebecca began squirming and making small mewing noises, like a frantic kitten. Her fingers wound themselves in the thick, black hair as she pressed Amanda's face to her bosom. Her hips rose to meet their challenge and the friction of hair on hair created the response Amanda had hoped for.

The younger woman was flying by instinct this night, only aware that she wished to please the woman who was her only friend in the world...and now her lover. She continued the path her tongue had begun earlier before its little detour and laved Rebecca's belly with wet kisses and nibbles. She followed the hills and valleys, dragging her nails gently across the protruding hip bones of the now writhing figure.

Amanda shifted around to position herself between Rebecca's legs and became fascinated by the darker reddish hair between them. It glistened in the firelight like pure gold and she twirled little curls around her finger as she once more found a new playground for her frolicking. "Oh, 'Becca," her breath was hot on the covered wetness. "We're so different down here," she continued impishly. "You're so soft and I can see your skin right through the hair."

A soft chuckle ending in an unexpectedly indrawn breath was her reply as Rebecca responded in the speechless fashion of a passion-fogged mind. Then the legs beneath Amanda spread wider and wrapped around her back, pulling her in for closer inspection. She obliged.

The dark head fell to her task in earnest as she began placing little sucking kisses along the inside of Rebecca's thighs. Her hands reached around to cup the firm cheeks which rose higher with each touch of her mouth. Then they tickled a path back around to the blonde ones belly, ready to assist in the access of the one spot which, as yet, had received no attention.

"Is there something you'd like, dear Rebecca, that I haven't done yet?" the student asked the teacher in an infuriatingly innocent tone. This was fun. Although Amanda had never given or received true love before, she was not ignorant of the ways of it. Growing up in the streets, with pickpockets and whores your main stable of friends, one could hardly remain in the dark for long.

In answer to her question, Rebecca just squeezed her legs tighter around Amanda's back, digging her heels into the small slope just below her shoulder blades. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"You imp. You're driving me beyond distraction and you know it. But, you do whatever feels right to you and I know it will be wonderful." Rebecca was able to grind out between clenched teeth. She wanted Amanda's mouth at her core's center more than life itself, but she would not give the young woman the satisfaction of a direct reply. Besides, she wanted to see just how much imagination this one had.

And she wasn't disappointed. Amanda truly was a quick study when she set her mind to it and this particular area of interest had apparently caused her to be a little quicker than usual. The torque of her tongue pushed tentatively into the folds before her. She could feel the tender skin quivering and it excited and encouraged her further. Her fingers separated lips slippery with yearning, opening Rebecca further for her inspection. Rebecca couldn't raise herself high enough or spread her legs far enough to accommodate Amanda's moves. Gods, she felt like she was flying when Amanda flicked her tongue in and out of the moist recesses. The eager novice tasted the womanness unique to her lover and luxuriated in the musky smell mingling with the sweetness of the oil. And like Rebecca, Amanda knew the exact moment the woman who had taught her the meaning of love reached her climax and using hands and tongue, inched her ever higher till Rebecca could withhold her scream of release no longer.

"Stop! I can't take anymore," she groaned breathlessly, and was obeyed.

Amanda laid her head on Rebecca's stomach, enjoying the residual spasms of pleasure as both heartbeats slowly returned to normal. When her pillow became a gentle rise and fall, Amanda turned her head slightly and softly kissed the smooth skin underneath, then shimmied back up to the welcoming embrace of the woman she loved.

"So this is what love is?" she mused aloud.

"This is just the beginning of what love really is." And Amanda knew she would never try to leave Rebecca again.


The two were in the dining room, intently working on the rudiments of fine dining when a loud knock interrupted them. Amanda, for one, was glad. She couldn't imagine how she would ever remember all the little graces and polite ways to charm a host or why she should even have to know this, but Rebecca seemed to think it important that she be a lady, so here they were. The dark-haired one dashed for the door in a most unladylike fashion and skidded to a halt, mouth open and nipples hard, when the servant opened it to their visitors.

Immediately in front of the door stood an older man who looked like something out of the performing acts Amanda had once heard of. A lined, dark face was topped with a scarf tied about the long gray hair. His saffron shirt was layered under a black vest with brightly colored threads decorating the arm-holes and hem and the loose dark trousers were tucked haphazardly into boots that had seen better days years ago.

Behind him a group of what Amanda finally realized where gypsies stood nervously scuffing their feet in the dirt. The ragtag bunch consisted of an older woman, probably the leader's wife, and an assortment of about ten younger members of the group, ranging in age from 10 to mid-thirties. A couple of the women stood off to the side holding babies on their hips, shushing them if they threatened to make a noise. And Amanda knew that someone among them was immortal.

Rebecca caught up with her charge and moved forward to welcome the group.

"Good evening, sir," she pleasantly received his brief bow. "And to what do I owe this unexpected visit by your camp?" She had also identified the group quickly by dress and demeanor.

"I am sorry to bother you at this hour, Madam," the old man apologized, "but we have only just reached your lands and were told that you are sympathetic to my people and could possibly provide some work for us until we are prepared to move on." The wrinkled face smiled tentatively and crushed the felt hat he had been holding in his callused hands.

Rebecca sensed that the lengthy speech was more than the leader was used to saying at one time, especially to a stranger, and took pity on the obviously apprehensive family.

"You heard correctly..." she waited for a name to be supplied.

"Josef, Madam. I am Josef Galati and this is my wife, Rosalind, my brother, children and grandchildren." He announced with a flourish and the women bobbed a brief curtsy while the men bowed their heads in acknowledgment of the introduction.

"Well, Josef, you are certainly welcome to camp anywhere on the estate you like, but I suggest the small copse of trees growing along the river toward the east about five miles."

Rebecca was gracious and refined...the perfect hostess and Amanda was in awe of her generosity. With a hiss to get her attention, Amanda motioned for Rebecca to step back to speak with her in private.

"Are you crazy, Rebecca? These people steal for a living," and had the grace to blush when Rebecca raised her brow archly at the comment.

"You know what I mean. Nobody wants gypsies on their land. They'll steal your horses and food and anything else they can get their dirty hands on." The young woman whispered furtively, glancing up at the motley lot of drifters every few seconds as if they would try to steal something right under the noses of their hosts.

"And one of them is immortal!"

"I know that the same could have been said about you four months ago, my dear little thief and look at you now. I find that most people are only as bad as the rumors that surround them, Amanda, and I have always offered my hospitality to the Romany and don't intend to stop now." With that she faced the man at the door once more and inquired as to what he would need to set up camp that night.

Once the group had departed and the household had settled back to its routine, Rebecca found a few minutes to lecture Amanda on the importance of graciousness and hospitality. She reminded Amanda that the Romany where not less fortunate or in need of charity. They roamed across the continent because that is the life they choose to lead, and that didn't make it bad just because it was different from her own. Then she proceeded to list the benefits of befriending the traveling bands of gypsies who camped on her land throughout the year, including the medicines they provided, their knowledge of horses and the wares they often traded for food and clothing.

"As for one of the group being immortal..." she flicked her hand as if dismissing any cause for concern. "We are everywhere. You cannot live your entire, hopefully long, life avoiding your own kind," she lectured.

"I've taught you the rules of the game and you know there are many of us who are already planning to be 'the only one'. Why do you think I spend my time drilling you, pushing you and forcing you to learn your way around a sword? But, that is not all there is to life and there are those who do not live just to take another head!" her voice rose slightly with the passion in her eyes.

"Immortality is a gift. If you don't abuse it, it will serve you well. However, it does not make you better than, but rather only different from, the mortals you must encounter day to day. And when you meet another immortal, be wary, but wait...wait to find out from which side of the game they play."

Amanda could tell the speech was over and sat meekly, hands in lap, looking very contrite at her teacher, for that was clearly the direction from which Rebecca spoke right now. Then, as if they had never been interrupted, the lessons continued and Rebecca was her sweet, companionable self the rest of the evening. Amanda worked on her table manners, but her hands wandered innocently around Rebecca's waist several times in a most unladylike manner. The mood was considerably lighter when the two made their way upstairs and Rebecca's thoughts were far from the gypsy camp ensconced just a few miles from their door.

Amanda had much to think on that night when she curled against the long, pale back of her partner.


The next day found Amanda most curious about the Romany camp and its occupants. She had thought about Rebecca's advice of the previous eve and determined to be a little more understanding. After all, a lady did not present the sort of front she exhibited last night. The wayward thief was finally growing up.

When she asked Rebecca if they planned to visit the encampment, she was pleased to find out that the mistress of the castle was going to deliver a crock of butter in exchange for some medicines the household lacked. She met the older woman outside in the courtyard by the wagon at mid-morning. Her new outlook manifested itself in the pleasant smile and excited fidgeting which greeted Rebecca. But, instead of the anticipated returned smile, Rebecca frowned slightly at her pupil.

"Where is your sword?" she asked in a clipped tone.

"But you said..."

"I didn't tell you to be a fool, Amanda. You can be a benevolent hostess without handing over your head on a trencher."

The young woman was crestfallen and Rebecca tried to take the sting out of her next words, touching the back of her hand to Amanda's cheeks, flushed with embarrassment.

"Amanda, you will learn soon enough the skill of combining wariness with graciousness. It's a talent we immortals have honed to a fine art."

Once settled in the wagon, swords within easy reach, the women drove the wagon to the camping spot picked out by the gypsies. The dark bottle green of Rebecca's riding costume was a fitting contrast for her golden hair and she knew that Amanda's darkness and rich wine-colored outfit was the perfect compliment, making them quite the pair. The ride to the camp took less than an hour, but they were more than ready to vacate the seat of the wagon and visit the strangers by the time they reached their goal.

The hustle and bustle of activity was evident as women cooked over an open fire and men repaired wheels and tended the horses. The scene was very colorful, for not only did the Romany folk dress themselves in brightly dyed colors, but also adorned their wagons with brilliant paints and ribbons. Amanda was as wide-eyed as a child by the time their conveyance halted beside the leader, Josef.

"Good morning, Ladies," he announced with a flourish of his hat. Age had not dimmed the sparkle of appreciation reflected in Josef's eyes. The two women seated atop the wagon leant an air of understated elegance to the noisy camp and more than one of the men working around the area stopped to admire their visitors.

"Good morning, Josef," Rebecca responded. "Has your camp gotten all set up?"

"Yes M'lady, we're a pretty self-sufficient group. We won't intrude on your hospitality for more than a few days, while we repair some wagon damage incurred from a nasty storm we passed through last week."

"There is no need to hurry. You are certainly not in the way and I am happy to be able to offer Caer Wydyr as your home for as long as you have need," Rebecca graciously said.

Josef seemed somewhat taken aback by her generous offer, but recovered enough to extend his hand in assistance as the women made ready to descend from their seat. It was common knowledge among the Romany of England that Mistress Horne's estate could always be counted on as a refuge, but Josef Galati and his family had only recently come to the area following a *misunderstanding* between his eldest son and the local constabulary in Spain. The young man's father thought it best to vacate the area for the next year or two while memories faded and tempers cooled. He had encountered another caravan traveling in the opposite direction two days earlier who had informed him of the haven offered at Caer Wydyr.

Finding a place to camp that offered safety from the prejudices of the locals was more than Josef had expected to find in this country, not exactly known for its open-arm policy toward the Romany. But chancing on a location which provided honest hospitality and good will was a miracle in his eyes, as well as the rest of the camp. He motioned for his wife, who had been surreptitiously watching the exchange while stirring a simmering pot, to come forward and greet their guests.

"Welcome to our camp, Mistress," Rosalind Galati smiled warmly. The older woman wore a full white blouse embroidered with birds and flowers around the neck and a long green skirt with yellow ribbons about the hem. Although she would never see her spring years again, Rosalind was still a handsome woman with her tanned skin and snapping dark eyes. It was easy for Amanda to imagine this matriarch of the caravan overseeing the large brood of children and grandchildren which made up the group's numbers.

Once names had been exchanged, Rosalind took over as host from her husband. "Please come join us for some refreshment after your ride."

Turning her back on the group, she walked easily back to the cooking area, taking for granted that she would be followed. The years had not bowed nor beaten her as it so often did in a land that looked upon the older generation as weak and unproductive. Rebecca and Amanda exchanged a grin at the older woman's familiarity and did as expected.

Josef went back to supervising the wagon reconstruction, leaving the visitors in the hands of his capable wife. His Rosa could make the most dour subject smile in the face of her friendly warmth. He returned to the beehive of activity at the wagon just in time to see the awestruck expression on the face of his son, Carlo. It didn't take a genius to follow the stare to the darker of the two women who had just reached the campfire and were preparing to sit amongst the other females in the camp. Oh no, he thought. Out of one calamity into disaster. He would not let this hot-blooded boy ruin the cordial welcome which rarely came their way.

"Don't even think about it, Carlo," he warned in a low voice.

The man of about 25 first looked confused, implying that he didn't know what his sire was talking about, but one look in the elder's eyes told him that act wouldn't fly this time. He then had the good graces to lower his head guiltily, but not before stealing one more look at the beautiful woman who's land they occupied.

"You're cock won't get us run off this time, you young stallion," his father tried to maintain a stern demeanor. "Keep it inside your pants for once and don't hurt your mother more than you already have." Josef walked away wondering, not for the first time, what they had gotten themselves into all those years ago when an abandoned squalling baby stole the heart of his young wife.

Josef's last remark seemed to have the desired effect and Carlo turned stiffly to resume his work on the wagon. He would not let his father see how much his words had stung. But, try as he might, he couldn't stop thinking about the face that reminded him of a white rose at dawn, the early morning dew on its petals . Of the dark-haired woman who had accompanied their hostess. It took Carlo the better part of an hour to figure out a good excuse to visit his mama at the cook fire.

When he saw Josef occupied with his brothers working on the wheels, Carlo sauntered over to the cooking area as if he did it all the time. Rosalind's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected presence of her son, but showed no other signs of surprise. Amanda and Rebecca both started at the unexpected buzz of another immortal, even though they'd realized last night that someone in the group had a long life-line. The younger woman spotted his approach a good 10 yards before he came to stop in front of their party. Long enough to admire the graceful movements barely discernible under the loose fitting clothes. Long enough for their gazes to lock for the split second it took for her to read his unmistakable message. And long enough to look guiltily over at Rebecca who was watching the exchange with humorous, if not wary, indulgence. The unspoken invitation from her son did not get past his mother either. With a frown of disapproval, Rosalind greeted him.

She spoke in quick, punctuated Romany and it didn't take a linguist to discern the anxious note in her words. Carlo started to answer in a sharp retort, but thought better of his actions. Instead he just ignored her.

"Welcome to our humble home M'ladies," he bowed with an exaggerated sweep of his arm. "Our camp has not seen such beauty since my mother was a young bride." Oh, this one was smooth, thought Rebecca, trying to hide her smirk behind a gloved hand.

Rosalind arched her brows in warning, but the other women could tell that she could not stay angry with her glib-tongued son. It was common knowledge that Carlo held a special place in his mother's heart. Amanda pretended indifference and found a blade of grass on her skirt of the utmost interest during Carlo's pretty speech. She could tell Rebecca was trying to hide her mirth and the younger woman bit back her own snort of humor.

Neither felt they had anything to worry about from the young gypsy, as he had approached unarmed, unless you counted that dazzling smile he flashed every time he caught Amanda's eye. For the duration of their visit, Carlo exchanged idle chit chat with the other members of the camp and offered to instruct Rebecca's stable help in the art of horse healing, a skill in which he took obvious pride. After another hour had passed and Rebecca had been filled in on the latest news from Spain and France, through which the caravan had traveled, the pair prepared to depart, a basket of much needed medicinal herbs hooked over her arm.

Carlo offered each arm to a lady and walked them to their waiting wagon. "When would you be able to visit, Carlo, and show young Andrew some of your treatments?" Rebecca asked as they approached the buggy.

"As soon as we finish our repairs, Lady," he answered, turning his disarming smile on her. "Probably in about three days."

"That'll be fine. We'll expect you on Friday, then."

He first assisted Rebecca into the wagon, then turned his attention to Amanda waiting impatiently on the other side. His large, tanned hands lifted her effortlessly onto the seat of the cart, lingering around her hips a few seconds longer than proper or necessary.

"And perhaps we can exercise our sword arms then also?" he said low enough of only Amanda to hear. "I have no one here to challenge my skills and I really need the practice."

His ploy was obvious, but Amanda was enjoying her position of benevolent hostess and some mischievous imp inside made her reply in kind.

"If you think you're up to it, Carlo, I'd be happy to give your sword arm a little work out," she purred. It was clear she had the younger Galati enamored of her charms and for the first time Amanda was getting a taste of the kind of power at her command, the likes of which she'd never tasted in her limited experience with the opposite sex. All Carlo saw was a pouty mouth, shining from where her tongue had just passed and wide brown eyes projecting an innocence more deceptive than he could imagine.

"I'll bring my sword and it is you who should question your ability against me. I promise not to hurt you. I only need a partner to practice with." He stepped back as the horse became restive and missed the flash of anger that crept into those same innocent eyes before Amanda could control herself. By the time he looked up again to bid her farewell, she once again wore the look of an angel.


"Well, it appears as if you've made a conquest, Amanda," the humor in Rebecca's voice was unmistakable and Amanda dug her elbow in the blonde's ribs good naturedly.

"Did you see him, 'Becca? He was like a little puppy following me around." Amanda smirked.

"He may have seemed quite docile, but remember, he's also an immortal," she warned, becoming serious again. "Don't *ever* underestimate one of us, you hear me," she was beginning to grow impatient with Amanda's fit of the giggles over Carlo.

But Amanda sensed the change in tone and immediately straightened in her seat.

"I won't Rebecca. I remember everything you've taught me. I won't be foolish enough to trust another immortal. Not when my neck is on the line," she unconsciously rubbed that part of her anatomy. Then she once again became animated.

"Will you teach me some tricks of sword fighting the next couple of days Rebecca?" she asked excitedly. "Carlo's bringing his sword when he comes to teach Andrew about the horses."

Rebecca wasn't sure she liked this development at all and expressed her concern.

"But, you'll be there and I do want to practice with him. Don't you want to see how I'll stand up to another immortal?"

"You're not ready yet, Amanda. What if it's all a ruse to get an easy quickening?" Rebecca mused.

"Look, we've been practicing every day for six months. You said yourself you couldn't believe how fast I was learning. Now's my chance to see just how good I've become." Amanda's excitement grew with each minute.

With reluctance, Rebecca agreed to the sparring match, but only under her supervision and the threat of long practices over the course of the next two days. Amanda agreed to her terms as her mind already turned to the coming meeting.

Amanda began to rue the day she had taken up the challenge of one Carlo Galati by the time Rebecca was finished with her. Once the two had returned to the castle, Rebecca informed Amanda that their daily sword lesson would begin immediately, rather than the usual three o'clock. What she didn't tell her was that the ending time would be the same, however. By four-thirty, Amanda was begging Rebecca to stop for the day, swearing in the guttural language of the streets in which she'd been raised.

"Such words from the mouth of a lady, Amanda," Rebecca teased, but mercifully called a halt to their exercises.

The older woman could see a full blown pout setting in and decided Amanda needed to start taking responsibilities for her actions. "You said you wanted to learn some new tricks. You asked for this," she stated flatly, leaving no room for argument.

"I didn't think you'd want me so weakened though that I couldn't use them, Rebecca," Amanda whined.

Rebecca had learned months ago that what Amanda had lacked in physical strength, she more than made up for in manipulation and guile. She was often hard pressed to keep from slapping the girl silly, but always stopped herself with the knowledge that Amanda had made her way in the world using the only resources she had available to her. Rebecca sensed that Amanda wasn't an inherently bad person. She had just been forced to do some bad things. However, she did fear it might be too late for her own influence to change the basis of the person she had found on the plague cart all those long winter months ago. Sighing, she knew that only time would tell what kind of person would leave the castle when Rebecca felt she had taught all she had to offer.

Amanda could tell that Rebecca's thoughts had turned inward, making her forget her own discomfort momentarily.

"Lets go get some supper, Rebecca," Amanda plied her mentor with food, trying to draw a smile from the serious countenance before her. "I'm not really *that* bad off. Just not used to the work out. It'll be worth it when I see the look on Carlo's face." And Rebecca couldn't help but smile at the quicksilver moods of her young charge.

The two made their way down to the dining hall, arms linked and all smiles again. Rebecca marveled at the change that had come over the whole household since Amanda's arrival. The very air had lightened with the addition of the young thief turned immortal. She still suspected Amanda was filching the silver occasionally, just to stay in practice, but couldn't bring herself to confront her. She knew that when the young woman felt sufficiently safe and trusted her own skills of survival enough, she would turn from theft without any corporal intervention on her part. Amanda couldn't possibly think she could go through her whole life relying on thievery for a living, she mused.

In the meantime, Rebecca was pleased with how her pupil was progressing and enjoyed seeing the looks on the servants faces when Amanda pulled one of her practical jokes on Cook or bothered the daylights out of Mr. Chasper, the groundskeeper. She was relieved that the rough street life to which Amanda had been exposed for most of her formative years hadn't dampened her joie de vivre. Once again she thanked whatever gods watched over immortals that she had been riding through town the day Amanda was thrown on that disgusting plague cart. With a loving squeeze to her friend's arm, Rebecca smiled warmly at this fledgling immortal who had come to mean so much to her in so short a time. Amanda returned the gesture with a smile of her own which lit up her whole face, not sure why she had earned such a look, but basking in the glow of Rebecca's love.

The aromas from the dining hall assaulted their nostrils long before they reached the door. A rich stew of rabbit and fresh garden vegetables made the women's mouth water as they recalled the long hours of swordplay which left no time for lunch. Amanda skipped into the large, imposing room with dark furnishings and heavy draperies, making the whole area practically sparkle with her presence. Rebecca couldn't help a laugh of pure joy as Amanda ran down the table inspecting each dish with a whiff and exclamation of discovery.

"Oh look, Cook made my favorite, 'Becca!" she danced around the head of the table where a bowl of steaming oysters swimming in cream awaited her pleasure. Butter floated on top, making a yellow ribbon to top off her gift.

"She spoils you beyond belief," Rebecca shook her head, but secretly blessed the old cook who had been with her for thirty-five years with nary a question as to how her employer managed to maintain her youthful good looks.

Amanda was also guilty of indulging the servants. She would never feel comfortable placing herself above those who served, knowing that not too long ago, she would have considered even the chambermaid beyond her own station. Just as Rebecca had so recently blessed her luck for finding Amanda, the ex-thief blessed the stars above for the day she'd been beaten with a chain and tossed on a stinking death cart. That was the beginning of a whole new life for the immortal and she knew how fortunate she had been that it was Rebecca who had found her and taken her in. She had learned so much, she still wondered at the many things she knew were yet to be discovered. Life was indeed good for young Amanda Darrieux and she wanted to share her good fortune with the world.

Without warning she completed her dance in front of Rebecca and swept the blonde woman up in an embrace of pure delight and joy. The two dissolved on the floor in a fit of laughter which turned suddenly quiet when Amanda leaned into Rebecca, kissing her softly on the lips. The look of love exchanged by the two women would have surely scandalized the help had they chosen that moment to make an appearance.

A loud growling from somewhere in the vicinity of Amanda's midsection broke the spell and both women grinned widely as they helped themselves to the delicious meal. With trenchers laden high and mugs filled to brimming, the women sneaked out of the dining hall and made their way to Rebecca's bedchamber, giggling like naughty schoolgirls all the way. Arriving with food intact, but only half the wine still occupying their mugs, the two delinquents fed each other morsels of the fare pilfered from the table below. Somewhere between the stew and the dessert cheese, they'd left the trenchers on the floor and continued dining on other delicacies not offered in Rebecca's kitchen.


Friday morning was a misery to friend and foe alike. The rain that began with a soft evening shower the night before continued into the gray morning, mocking any attempt by the sun to show its face.

Carlo arrived, as promised, astride a scruffy black pony, trotting jauntily into the courtyard for all the world as if the sun were shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Amanda watched his ride in from her perch in Rebecca's bedroom window. She had wondered if the gypsy would brave the elements to continue their flirtation. Laying in bed the night before, Amanda had asked Rebecca if she was jealous of the darkly handsome man. Rebecca had simply chucked her under the chin, assuring the young woman that she would still be around long after the gypsies had moved on, adding something about Amanda needing to learn that love between a man and woman could also be just as fun as what they shared.

Amanda had not given much thought to her promiscuity before last night. Prior to her mortal death, it had been a means of survival. With Rebecca, it seemed natural, as if they had always been together, sharing and loving their way through life. Now she was confronted with her first true man/woman flirtation, untainted by the squalor and need that had surrounded her previously. She could do anything she wanted to do now. Amanda had fallen asleep snuggled safely against her mentor, lover and friend, wondering what enlightening lessons the morning would bring.

Carlo went straight to the stables, dismounting with a box of supplies he had stuffed in his saddlebag. He and Andrew were well into their discussion of equine ailments when he felt the buzz of one of the lovely ladies who inhabited the castle. He continued with his demonstrations until a figure blocked the late morning light from the barn door.
"Well, Andrew, will you be our resident horse expert now?" Rebecca
gently teased the boy who stood up at his mistress' entrance. She knew of Andrew's love for the animals and hoped he would stay on with her to be head master of the stables one day.

"Yes, M'lady, Carlo has shown me how to treat the colic and soothe the sores the horses get in summer from all the flies."

"It seems your family's arrival was very fortuitous for me, Carlo," Rebecca eyes the dark young man carefully. She had wanted some time alone with Carlo before his sparring session with Amanda, so had instructed her charge to sharpen and ready her blade while she greeted their guest. She wanted to be sure that, to the gypsy, this was nothing more than a chance to gain a little practice.

"How can I repay you and your family for sharing your knowledge with us?"

"You've more than repaid us, Lady, by letting my camp stay on your
land, safe under your protection. It isn't often we find such

Rebecca watched his face, but could discern no secrets hidden behind
dark eyes. She wondered how long since this one's mortal death and how
many heads had rolled by his hand. As if reading her thoughts, he

"Does the Lady Amanda still wish to practice today? I can tell that
you're very protective of her and it would honor me if you would attend
us and let me know how I may improve myself with a sword."

The speech seemed somewhat contrived, but Rebecca could only sense
sincerity from him. It seemed too soon to let Amanda loose with a blade
on someone other than herself, but realized also that she couldn't
protect her forever. However today turned out, she felt it would be
good for her student in the long run.

"Yes, she's getting ready now. When you're done here, please come to
the house and we'll go up to the roof." Rebecca turned to go, then
stopped halfway out the door, turning only her head back to face Carlo.

"She's gotten quite good you know?" And walked out into the rain
beating on the stones of the courtyard.


"Mr. Galati awaits your pleasure in the main hall, M'lady," the young
girl ducked her head as she backed out of the library where Amanda and
Rebecca had been discussing the coming match.

"Just remember, Amanda, you don't have his reach, so you have to stay
alert and use speed as your advantage. You're very fast and that will
save your head."

Amanda indulged her teacher by listening attentively, but was finding it
difficult to take this whole sword practice thing very seriously. She
knew the rules and she knew she was part of the Game now, but it was
hard to think about taking someone's head to save her own life when she
was protected and pampered in Rebecca's home. After six months of
immortality, she had yet to be threatened or feel endangered in any
way. Rebecca could tell she was wasting her breath, so with a sigh and
last inspection of Amanda's blade, turned to the door to fetch Carlo.

Amanda pulled on her gloves, sheathed her sword and followed behind,
anxious to see how Carlo would look at her today in her leather leggings
and snug fitting tunic.

Carlo was studying the painting of Rebecca hanging above the hearth when
he heard the door open. Confusion marred his features for an instant
when he only saw Rebecca enter the room, but recovery was quick as he
walked towards his hostess, halting a mere three feet in front of her.

"Good Afternoon, Mistress Horne," he bowed over her extended hand
slightly. "Is Amanda ready?" he asked.

"Yes I am," came the voice he remembered from their first meeting.
"But, are you," she asked archly. Amanda walked up behind Rebecca, gloved hand on the hilt of her sword.

Carlo was momentarily speechless, a fact which seemed immensely amusing
to the women before him. With effort, he closed his mouth and licked
his dry lips before addressing his sparring partner. When he spoke
again, the cockiness had resumed residence as he acknowledged the
laughter he saw in their eyes.

"Ah, cara mia, I most certainly am ready. Perhaps I can show you some
new tricks with a sword, no?" He flashed his most disarming grin and
motioned with one arm for Rebecca and Amanda to lead the way.

With an answering smirk, Amanda turned and headed out to the stairs
leading to the top of the castle, Rebecca following at a more sedate
pace, and Carlo enjoying the view all the way up.

The day was still overcast when the trio reached their destination, with
the wind blowing briskly at that height. Rebecca wrapped her cloak a
little tighter about her while Amanda did her usual flexing and
stretching in preparation of the coming swordplay. Carlo seemed to be
casing the area, eyeing the surrounding parapets and walkways of the
castle's roof. He paced around the region they had decided to use for
today's practice, gauging distances with a practiced eye. Rebecca
wondered what style the gypsy would use, knowing that whatever he did
would most certainly be different from what Amanda was used to from her.

When the two seemed ready, Rebecca motioned for them to come over where she was standing.

"I want you both to remember that this is just practice," she looked
pointedly at Carlo. "If I feel that Amanda is in danger at any time,
I'll be between you with my sword at your throat. Is that clear,

Rebecca waited for the quick nod which assured her that she was taken
seriously. If the young man had any thoughts of an easy quickening
today, she wanted them out of his head immediately. Amanda looked
faintly annoyed at Rebecca's warning, but refused to let Carlo see that
she was greener than he probably imagined. Now that it was actually
time to begin, she realized the fluttering in her stomach was due to
more than simple gas caused by her breakfast. She had never lifted a
sword against anyone except Rebecca and wasn't exactly sure how to even
begin a sparring match with someone else. Fighting down the niggling
fears, she eyed Carlo and walked to the other side of the arena,
whipping the blade casually in front of her. Time to show Rebecca that
she was worthy of her time, effort...and love.

Carlo turned casually to face Amanda and the two took a few seconds to
assess their opponent. When it was clear that Amanda was not going to
make the first move, Carlo stepped forward to engage.

He began with traditional fencing movements which he knew she could
defend and within moments had gauged her skill correctly. He feigned to
the left and gave an appreciative smile when she easily followed his
lead, putting him on the defensive. They moved easily back and forth
across the playing area, two cats circling...looking for a weakness.
Carlo let himself be backed up to the Southern most parapet while
blocking Amanda's thrusts effortlessly. As he climbed the few steps to
the edge, he let her see a split second of panic in his dark eyes.

Amanda knew she had the advantage and moved in for the coup de grace.
She started up the stairs, following her opponent with a glint in her
eye as menacing as that on her blade. Then he was gone.

Amanda blinked, then gasped as a burning trail of nettles swept across
her back. She turned to find Carlo standing behind her, sword raised
with her blood on the tip. He had jumped over her as she stood at the
base of the steps, somersaulting high enough to land neatly behind his
lithe opponent. Amanda clamped her mouth shut and recovered from the
shock of finding the man she had just been looking at attacking her from
the rear.

"Your gypsy tricks won't help you, Carlo," she ground between clinched

The game wasn't supposed to be this serious, but the young woman felt
she now had something to prove and a determination that had hitherto
been lacking, turned the playful kitten into a spitting wildcat. In a
flash she moved forward aggressively and Carlo backed up, startled.
Rebecca stood ready and tensed as she saw his eyes harden and hoped he wouldn't hurt her student. She had guessed correctly that his skills far surpassed Amanda's, but assumed that the two would keep the practice at a level comfortable for both sides. She prepared to step in, if necessary.

Her intervention was not required, however. Carlo took control of the
situation quickly, disarming Amanda and bringing his sword within inches
of her neck. He could see the pulse beating frantically just below his
blade from his view over her shoulder and whispered calmly in her ear.

"This *was* just practice, right?"

Amanda dared not move as, for the first time since her mortal death, she
felt the adrenal rush which accompanies the knowledge that you are
seconds from losing your life. But in typical Amanda style, she realized
that she had been stupid and paid the price, but there was no reason
not to take advantage of the current predicament. Rebecca would be
proud to know that her student *could* learn from her mistakes.

"I *was* just practicing, Carlo. If I had been serious, we wouldn't be
standing here like this," and backed up half a step to lean into his
muscular frame.

Carlo smiled and lowered his blade, giving her a push toward Rebecca.
By the time the two approached the waiting figure, the tension of the
moment had passed and an air of camaraderie was developing. Rebecca was more relieved than she would show that Carlo had taken control,
putting a quick end to the practice and defusing Amanda's temper with his skill and a touch of humor. Her estimate of him went up a notch and the smile that greeted them was sincere.

"That was quite a performance, Carlo. I dare say Amanda thought she had
the upper hand for a brief moment." Rebecca gently teased her student,
gauging her reaction. But Amanda simply smiled sheepishly and wrapped
the cloak Rebecca was holding out about her shoulders. The air was just
past nippy when one wasn't dashing around with a sword.

"Let's go somewhere a little warmer and have a drink," Amanda was all
gracious hostess and smiles as she lead the way to the door leading down
to the main hall.

Rebecca followed the couple with the hint of a frown creasing her
forehead. Amanda wasn't usually that good a loser, even to her, much
less a stranger she had hoped to impress with possibly more than her
swordfighting skills. By the time they reached the warmth of the
castle, Rebecca was sure her little protege had something up her sleeve,
which could have any of several consequences, she thought ruefully.

Hands were warmed by the toasty fire and everyone sat contentedly
sipping their wine. Rebecca watched the play between the young people,
trying to figure out what Amanda wanted, for it was obvious she was
after something. After several moments of discussion about the fight
and their techniques, the other shoe fell.

"So, when are you going to teach me how you did that little trick up
there?" Amanda asked with never a doubt that she would be denied her

Carlo lowered the cup he had been about to drink from and met Amanda's
gaze directly.

"What makes you think you can learn it?" he asked. Silence followed as
Amanda tried to decide if he was serious or just teasing. Deciding on
the latter, she smiled like the proverbial cat with feather in mouth.

"Ask Rebecca. I learn very quickly," she said pointedly. Carlo had a
second to witness the flush of Rebecca's face before she turned with the
excuse of refilling their cups.

Thinking this whole line of discussion rather odd, Carlo continued with
the original topic. "I don't think we'll be here long enough for me to
instruct you properly. Besides, I'm not sure I should show you
something that may be used against me one day," and grinned widely to
show his light intentions.

"Well, if you're going to be that way about it," Amanda pouted.

Rebecca sighed. She had seen this little act too many times to think it
could end anyway other than explosive...that is, unless Amanda got her
way. That all depended on Carlo. She, herself, had been impressed with
Carlo's performance this afternoon and wouldn't mind adding a couple of
things to her own arsenal, but was too polite to ask such a favor.
Unlike Amanda. That one would never learn the meaning of 'subtle',
thought Rebecca. Amanda reached out and grabbed life by the ears and
shook it. She wanted everything there was to have and she wanted it
now. The older immortal remembered how different she had become from
the scared waif of six months earlier. She was still just as rebellious
and would bear watching for quite awhile, but she somehow knew that if
Amanda lived through the next three to five years, she would survive

Amanda had stood up and was preparing to depart their company. Carlo
seemed perfectly happy to let her go until he realized she wasn't
fooling. His eyes widened when she got to the door, turned and
addressed the room.

"Rebecca, I assume you can see our guest out. Carlo, it was a pleasure
sparring with you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay at Caer Wydyr ." The dark head disappeared behind a sedately shut door.

His hostess was just as surprised as Carlo, but for a different reason.
She expected threats, cajoling and even tears if necessary from her
pupil. Anything to get her way. She had not expected docile acceptance
and a ladylike exit.


For two weeks the gypsies camped on Caer Wydyr. Three days after their
sparring match, Carlo showed up at the castle once again. This time he
brought a peace offering to Amanda, whom he sensed he had offended
somehow. He was used to dealing with Romany woman...straightforward
with their own men, if not a little shy with strangers. They expected
to be treated as equals, even in a fight. He was taken aback somewhat
at Amanda's attitude, especially considering that she was immortal. He
stood shuffling his feet around at the manor door, waiting for it to

Amanda herself opened the door and Carlo's breath caught once again at
her beauty. She had a sensuousness about her that reminded him of the
gypsy girls in other camps with whom he dallied his way across Europe.
A delicate cough brought him back as he realized he'd been staring quite
openly, not that the object of his attention seemed to mind.

"Good day, Carlo. To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?" She was
all well-bred lady and hostess. Hardly the same spitfire he had fought
days ago.

"I've brought you a little gift. In appreciation for such a wonderful
time the other day." He extended his hand and it rested a soft leather

"Well, don't just stand there. Come on in and have some lunch with us.
Rebecca went to see about some sick tenants and I was just going to sit
down in the kitchen with Cook and Mrs. Howard. You don't mind the
informality, do you?

Carlo was somewhat flustered. As a gypsy, he was hardly used to being
admitted into such fine homes as this one, much less invited to dine in
the intimacy of the kitchen with one of the ladies of the house. He
quickly recovered, however. Wits were one thing he had aplenty.

"That sounds wonderful. But first you have to open your gift," he

Amanda's attention returned to the little bag and her eyes lit up like a
child's at Michaelmass. She truly was an open book sometimes.
Carefully she pulled the strings on the pouch, curious to see what could
take up almost the whole of the package, yet weighed little more than a
feather. She gasped when she spilled the contents out into her hand,
intrigued by the exotic beauty of the stone before her.

"It is amber from the homeland of my ancestors, east of here."

"Why, it's so light and look at the specks inside of it. Tell me about
it," she demanded.

"Hold it up to the light." She obeyed. "See the tiny bug inside?"
That insect is thousands of years old, caught in the sap of the tree
which hardened and formed the piece you see before you." Amanda was
fascinated and what's more Carlo had hit on the surefire way to get on
her good side. Give her a gift of jewels...even if it is dried resin
from a tree. A small hole had already been drilled carefully through
the smaller end and Carlo completed his gift with a small chain he
pulled from his shirt pocket.

"Here. Put it on this and wear it for good luck."

He held out the chain which made her eyes widened even more. Carlo
couldn't help but laugh. She looked at him curiously, then realizing
what a sight she must be, standing there with mouth agape and eyes wide
as a rabbit's, she joined him. Carefully she strung the stone on the
little chain and presented her back to the gifter, lifting her hair, so
he could clasp it around her neck. Carlo obliged, letting his fingers
rest a breath longer than necessary on the long, tapered neck.

Amanda turned around with a half-smile barely curving her lips. "Let's
have lunch, shall we?" And proceeded to lead him toward the kitchen.

Over cold mutton, stewed onions and fresh-baked bread, the pair laughed
the afternoon away while the servants came and went about there daily
chores. Several times, one or the other of them would sit and join the
couple, as Amanda had established an easy rapport with the help, and
maintenance of the castle was minimal with only the two women in

Rebecca found most of the household gathered by the kitchen fire when
she returned mid-afternoon. Standing the wide doorway, she laughed at
the antics of Carlo, who was relating an animated tale of narrow escape
from the sheriff of a northern county they had passed through on their
way to Caer Wydyr. All she could really catch was that it was something
involving a horse of questionable ownership and a trade made while
certain said owner was heavily in his cups.

Everyone got quiet when they saw the Mistress walking in, but it was a
relaxed quiet which she was used to. She didn't have the easy,
comfortable way with them that Amanda seemed to have adopted and it
suited her well. Amanda scooted over on her bench to make room for
Rebecca, who placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead as she sat
down. The adoration in Amanda's eyes for her mentor was blinding and
Carlo wondered, not for the first time, just how close this teacher and
student were.

Reluctantly, Carlo rose to take his leave, saying he had already been
gone longer than he had told his mama and she had a list of things for
him to do longer than his arm. Amanda and Rebecca shared the joke and
walked him to the door.

"Perhaps you would come visit our camp more often while we are
here...both of you," but it was evident his invitation was more for
Amanda's benefit.

"If my taskmistress here will ever let me loose," Amanda replied and
ducked to avoid the playful cuff headed her way.

"You can go anytime you like, you wretched creature," Rebecca did her
best imitation of Amanda's famous pout. The women dissolved in giggles
on the door stoop, which is where Carlo left them as he mounted his

Two days later Carlo was chopping wood when a small commotion caused him to raise his head and look in the direction of the noise. It was
Amanda, prancing in on her horse, dressed like a boy, but that was were
the resemblance ended. As far as Carlo was concerned, this was the most
fetching outfit he'd seen on a woman. It was obviously custom made for
her sword practices, for he'd seen her wear something similar the day of their sparring match. A soft leather jerkin topped her white blouse whose thin linen sleeves fluttered in the breeze. But it was the those legs, that had him mesmerized. Every muscle could be seen through the tight leather trews which hugged her thighs like a lover's caress all the way down to the top of her soft leather boots.

The object of his admiration dismounted easily and walked (or was it a
sauntered?) toward the main campfire, where Carlo's mother sat chatting
with the other women. She extended her hand and pulled a small bundle
from beneath her cloak. The bundle started to move and Carlo approached
the group curiously. Amanda pulled back the blanket which had wrapped
her burden and revealed a wiggling black puppy. The group quickly grew
around them, mostly with the various aged children of the camp, all
vying for position to pet the little visitor.

"Madame Galati," Amanda addressed the matron. "This is one of our pure bred hunters from the kennels. Our gamekeeper has a bitch who whelped about four weeks ago, resulting in the addition of six more dogs on the

Amanda stopped to roll her eyes, indicating that she didn't think the
household needed even one more dog, but softened her words by ruffling
the fur around the little pups ears.

"Kenneth, he's our gamekeeper," she clarified, "he was about to drown
this poor thing, and as much as I'm not really a dog lover, I couldn't
let him do it. He said it was the runt and wouldn't be strong enough to
compete with the other dogs for food or run fast enough for hunting.
So, I thought you might like a new member to your little caravan. She's
awfully sweet, but she is kinda small."

Madame Galati reached up to accept the squirming ball of fur and it
immediately began licking her ear, nuzzling and rooting for its dinner.
The woman couldn't help herself. She laughed good-naturedly and wrapped
her shawl around the shivering form. Amanda, relieved that her gift had
been so well received, was just about to say something else when Rosalind
turned her attention back to her. Adjusting the expression on her face,
the leader's wife addressed Amanda.

"And what will I be doing with a dog. Sometimes we have trouble feeding
ourselves." She tried to sound stern, but the antics of the puppy were
too much for her.

"She loves you already, Mistress Galati," Amanda said quickly. "Besides, I
don't know what else to do with her. I don't want to see her drowned."

At that moment the self-assured ex-thief looked like nothing more than a
frightened young girl. It was evident she didn't want anything to
happen to the pup who had stolen not only her heart, but all who saw
it. As if to emphasize her words, the canine let loose with a series of
high pitched yips...they could hardly be called barks, and wiggled its
way down from the old woman's lap. A leaf, blown by the gentle breeze,
rolled across the ground just within range of her very limited eyesight
and she was determined to show the presumptuous object who was boss.

The group laughed at her antics so loudly that she immediately returned
to the shelter of Mrs. Galati's shawl, burying her head in the woman's

"What can I do," she raised her arms in resignation and held the pup up
for further inspection. "So, my little perro, what is your name going to
be, and more importantly, how can you do your share to support the
Galati camp?" She was answered by a quick lick on the nose and the
grunting sounds of a hungry puppy.

"Here," said Amanda. "I brought some milk from our kitchen to help feed
her and I'll bring more till you and your camp are ready to go."

Amanda walked back to her horse and unhitched a leather bag which
sloshed as she slung it over her shoulder. She handed the bag to the
pup's new owner, along with a small nipple made out of the finger cut
from one of her old leather gloves.

"For someone who doesn't like dogs, Miss Amanda, you certainly have gone
to a lot of trouble for this one." Mrs. Galati teased the young woman
then went about the business of filling the willful dog's tummy.

Carlo had watched the scene and was the first to reach Amanda when her
visit with his mother was concluded.

"That was an interesting gesture. Whatever made you think my mother
would want another camp dog?" He led her toward the thicker growth of
trees on the edge of the camp as they talked.

"I don't know...I guess I really didn't think about whether she'd want a
dog or not. I just wanted to get her away from Kenneth before he could
drown her. He said he'd already let her live too long, and the bitch
needed her milk for the other ones." Amanda didn't really like
defending her actions and changed the subject.

"So, Carlo," she walked a little closer and took his arm, supposedly for
support over the roughening ground, "what other wonderful sword fighting
tricks do you know?" Her ploy was more than obvious and Carlo smirked
at her innocent look.

"Ah, dear, innocent, beguiling Amanda." She could tell the
game was up by the sparkle of mischief in his eyes and something else
she couldn't read. "And what would you do for me if I showed you?"
The challenge was laid. Would she take it up?

"Well, I guess that depends on what it's worth." Two could play that
game. "Tell me about you and what happened. How long have you been
immortal?" Perhaps a different tact was in order.

"Why, I'm flattered that you're interested, cara," Carlo sat on a log
that had recently fallen in the spring storms. "It was two years ago.
I was 24 and felt invincible." He laughed at his own joke and
continued. "I'd just about decided to go out on my own and find my
fortune when the magistrate's daughter decided I was the father of her
unborn child. Of course you and I both know that I wasn't, but try
explaining that not only to an angry father, by an angry father with
influence. And who's going to believe a gypsy?" Carlo made himself
more comfortable as he slid down to the ground, using the log for a
backrest and leaving Amanda to look down at him as he spoke.

"My own father was also a bit dubious about my truth telling abilities
and threatened to turn me in himself if I didn't confess and do the
right thing by the girl. Forget the fact that the old magistrate didn't
even want me for a son-in-law." Amanda found herself very interested in
his tale and joined him on the ground, drawing her knees up to her chin
as she listened intently.

"So, did the magistrate have you killed?"

"No, nothing nearly so romantic or dramatic. I decided it wasn't
healthy for me around there at the moment and since I was about to make
my departure from my family anyway, decided it was as good a time as any
to take my leave." Amanda wondered, not for the first time, how a gypsy
came to be so well spoken in that day and age. Carlo seemed to have an
air of sophistication about him that she was only just beginning to

"On my way out of town, my stupid horse found what was probably the only
rabbit hole within half a mile of my route and threw me. It wouldn't
have been so bad, with only my ego and a few body parts bruised, except
for the fact that where he decided to throw me was over a cliff."
Amanda put her hand to her mouth as she imagined what it must be like to
fly threw the air, believing your life will be over when you land.

"Yes, the pain was excruciating.. Even when I awoke, the broken bones
and tissue were still knitting and I had a large branch impaled through
my thigh which I had to extricate to finish the healing process. But,
as you can see, I'm none the worse for wear and thus ends the tale of my
mortal death. My mother was the first person to find out about my
'extraordinary' abilities and quickly sent me off with another caravan
led by my uncle who is a renowned sword fighter, swallower... and immortal.
It seems to run in my family." This last was added with a touch of humor.

I lived and traveled with them for two years before rejoining my
family. But enough about me. How 'bout you?" Carlo crossed his arms
and leaned back enjoying the easy companionship developing between
them. He watched the play of emotions on Amanda's face as she recalled
the stench of the plague cart and her own experience with death.

"Ugh! It's something I try not to think about and certainly never want
to experience again." She brought her handkerchief daintily to her nose
to show her distaste for the subject. "I was mistakenly accused of
robbing a house that had been marked with the plague. Can you imagine
that? They left me for dead on a plague cart and I would have been
burned with the rest of the bodies in that godforsaken village if
Rebecca hadn't come along. I owe her my whole life." Amanda shuddered
and laughed sardonically. "There's no telling where I'd be or what I'd
be doing if she hadn't found me."

"Probably robbing more houses." A quick look at Carlo let her know he
wasn't fooled for a moment. His eyes twinkled with mirth and he was
trying valiantly not to let her see it. He lost the battle, finally,
and snickered into his hand at the look of indignation being expressed
by his companion.

"Oh, Amanda, you are truly priceless. If I didn't know better, I'd say
you almost believed your own story." He was all out laughing now.

"And what makes you think you know better, and aren't you one to talk."
Amanda struggled to her feet, turning her back on the gypsy while trying
to maintain her hurt expression.

"I have to give you're good, my little thief, but I think you
need to work a little on your facial expressions. Just a little too
much protest...." his words were cut off by a surprise attack as the
dark-haired immortal spun around, drawing her sword and advancing before
he could react.

"You should work on your mouth, Carlo." The tip of the blade rested
under his chin, pressing ever so slightly into the soft flesh below his
adam's apple. "You think you know so much, but how often have you had
to do things that sickened you just to stay alive? What's the longest
length of time you've gone without eating? And where do you think you'd
be without a family?"

Carlo dared not move, for his instincts told him this wasn't a ruse to
make him believe her. He knew that look. He'd seen it in the men he'd
faced in duels. He'd seen it in the face of the magistrate as he'd
sentenced him to death.

"Rebecca?" Carlo took his eyes off of Amanda long enough to glance
behind her.

Amanda dropped the blade a couple of inches as her shoulders and neck
turned her head to follow his gaze. Carlo's feet swept underneath her
feet, raking her ankles and effectively dropping her to the ground.
Before she could react he was astride her with her own sword held across
her throat. But he wanted to let her know she was in no danger from
him. Gradually she stopped her struggle and simply glared up at him.

"I'm not going to hurt you. You really must do something about that
temper. It will be your downfall." Carlo tried to bring humor into the
situation and slowly removed the blade, tossing it safely into the grass
several feet from her reach. However, he did not remove himself from
his perch atop her hips. He'd try again to calm her down before relinquishing his

"Please, Amanda, I truly did not mean to anger you so. I'm not your
enemy. As a matter of fact, I want to be your friend. We don't need
each other's heads here. All I want from you is your friendship and
perhaps this..."

Carlo lowered his head stopping within inches of her face. He checked
her mood in the depths of her brown eyes, but saw only a wary
watchfulness and a little curiosity. He completed the distance between
them and covered her mouth with his own. He waited to see what she
would do, but all cautions flew to the winds when his silent question
was answered with an enthusiastic response from his captive. A questing
tongue surprised him and he fell to his task in earnest, meeting her
halfway as he grazed her teeth and explored the inside of her mouth with
his own tongue. He thought she was going to suck the very breath from
his body when a stabbing pain began at his mouth and exploded in his
head. He immediately tasted blood...his own...and jerked himself off
Amanda as he rolled aside, hands clasped to his injured mouth.

"You bitch! You bit me," he glared at her accusingly, expecting to see
her sword in his face again. Instead he saw a girl in boy's clothing
clutching her own stomach in silent mirth as she mischievously stuck her
own uninjured tongue out at him.

"I guess I learn fast. How was that about improving my facial
expressions?" Carlo realized the absurdity of the whole situation,
knowing they could both continue playing this game till doomsday if they

"All right...I give up. You are the better liar, the better thief...and
the better kisser." Already the pain had been replaced by a dull throb
as his tongue healed itself. "Truce?" Carlo held out his hand and
Amanda suspiciously put her own gloved one in it as they helped each
other up.

"Truce." The play of emotions was amazing on this woman's face, thought
Carlo, as he watched yet another new expression cross those beautiful
features. This time, it was one of contrite guilt. He draped an arm
around her shoulders as he led her back toward the camp.

"Come on, cara. We are much alike, you and I. Come back tomorrow and
perhaps I may be persuaded to show you this very interesting trick I
know when fighting an opponent in close spaces."

By the time the two approached the wagons once more, Amanda was laughing
and swatting playfully at Carlo's tickling fingers. After checking on
the progress of the pup in its mission to ingratiate itself on all who
saw it, Amanda remounted and rode back to Caer Wydyr, playing over the
scene in the woods and wondering what would have happened had she
resisted the demons which made her bite Carlo's tongue. By the time she
rode up to the courtyard and handed Andrew her reins, Amanda was already
planning her next visit to the camp.

Rebecca and Amanda shared a quiet supper, while the younger woman told
her friend about the day's activities, focusing mainly on the reception
provided the newest member of the caravan and conveniently omitting
certain parts of her private conversation with Carlo. She tentatively
told Rebecca of her invitation to return to the camp and waited
uncertainly for the response.

"That's good, Amanda. I think you should be exposed to as many methods
of fighting as possible. I'm comfortable with you visiting Carlo
alone. I'm convinced he won't go for your head." Amanda wondered what
Rebecca would say if she told her exactly what he was going for.

Go to part 2.
